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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There are so few REAL men in politics. It attracts perverts/liars/cheats/thieves/bullies/greedy selfish scum. The DREGS. WHY?

There are so few REAL men in politics. It attracts perverts/liars/cheats/thieves/bullies/greedy selfish scum. The DREGS. WHY?

Posted - May 15, 2018


  • 46117

    Real MEN does confuse,  Rosie.  Say, rather, real people of conscience.  Those of heart AND mind.  Not just one or the other.   BALANCED and wise.   

    Where ARE the real men?   Look no further than those quietly doing the next right thing.  There are heroes on every block in America, but we are too busy focusing on the powerful few who control the airwaves.

    We exist.  We are not controlled by the few unless we sit back and let them do the controlling.  We need to vote them out.  We need to get a Bernie Sanders in.   

    There is your man of integrity.  We need a staunch, honest presence like Elizabeth Warren.  There are two people of integrity that I would stand behind and follow.

    People like that.

      May 15, 2018 11:38 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply and the graphics Sharon. A very good thing  has arisen out of the #Metoo movement. More women are getting involved in politics. More women are INSISTING on being heard, voicing their opinions, having an effect on how things are being done. Are all women involved in politics either directly or on the edges of it great? Nope, I give you Sarah Palin and Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kelly Anne Conway for starters. Gross and disgusting examples. But maybe among them will be more Elizabeth Warrens or Kamala Harris' (our California Senator whose career we've followed for years). In the olden days there was Ann Richards, Governor of Texas and Shirley Jordan...I think she was a Texas politician too if I'm not mistaken. I think Michelle Obama would be very good at it but she is not interested apparently Happy Wednesday! :).
      May 16, 2018 4:46 AM MDT

  • 1233
    A bizarre statement from a leftist. If you really believe that, why do you subscribe to a political philosophy that centralises power into the state and gives the dregs massive control over our lives?

    Are you implying that the women in politics are of a higher quality? No, they're predominantly scum too.

    Criminals are attracted to power because they know it facilitates everything they want to do. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at May 16, 2018 5:09 AM MDT
      May 15, 2018 12:53 PM MDT

  • 10493
    Tsk-tsk... onc can't blame it all on men, there are many corrupt women in politics too.

    I have no doubt that some go into politics with a genuine desire to do good.  Unfortunately, politics is a corrupt "entity".   Politics are saturated with money and a sense of power - two things that will corrupt even the strongest of wills.  Those who enter the "political pool" cannot help but to get "wet".  They learn quickly that to be a politician they must lower their morals, twist words, grease palms and kiss a$$ - even before they're elected.  Oh, some politicians may claim to be "pure and holy", but one cant be that and still be a politician.  Political corruption rubs off on everyone who tries to swim in its murky waters.

    Therefore, "real men" won't go into politics because "real men" won't compromise their morals.  Real men will do what is right, fair and honest - no matter the cost - because "real men" have integrity.
      May 15, 2018 2:39 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Percentage-wise how many corrupt women are there or have there ever been in politics with the power of a don juan? Paul Ryan (I know..Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House but I don't think she is corrupt) or Mitch McConnell? Of course all male pols are not corrupt. Most of them seem to be in this current reality. Congress' majority is Republican and the House "Intelligence" committee WHITEWASHED its investigation and ignored pertinent important information and gave don juan et al a clean bill of health. They are so full of sh** they drip it as they walk. The Senate majority is also Republican and rarely is there a squeak from a pip about the awfulness of don juan.  They had a meeting with him and were gonna bring up the insult by Sadler about John McCain and di they? No. Too chickensh** to do the right thing because they are full of it too as it drips behind them No wonder the stench of  D.C. is only for those who find the fragrance of swill thrills. Sure there are dames among them and they are the ones whom I can't figger out. Women who actually LOVE the don juan and support him and admire him and worship him and defend him and love him while his track record with women is an abomination. I cannot explain that. There is no equivalent to don juan style corruption in American history. Will there be futurely? Why not? The people allowed him to set the template so low and low they will continue to go because they always look downward and not upward. They vote for the strange vermin that crawl out of the mud, out from under the rocks. The thingies that slither and snarl and bite. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      May 16, 2018 4:56 AM MDT

  • 16334
    Michele Bachman? The only difference between her and a pit bull is lipstick.
    Palin was dumber than a bag of her own excrement, but not necessarily corrupt - nobody would have trusted her to keep her mouth shut. Margaret Thatcher was intelligent and evil personified but I don't think she was on the take either - anybody offering her a bribe would have lost his hand at the wrist as well.
    Former Australian Speaker Bronwyn Bishop rorted her travel allowance, that's pretty minor but still corrupt and she was forced to resign over it.
      May 16, 2018 5:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply Sbf.There are more of them than I remembered. There was the gal who said she was not a witch. If you have to say that ya gotta be it. Happy Wednesday! :)               
      May 16, 2018 5:36 AM MDT

  • 16334
    Not necessarily, Rosie. Former PM Julia Gillard had to defend herself against misogynists for the entirety of her tenure in the big chair - and "Ditch the Witch" was their mantra.
      May 16, 2018 5:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Well sweetie ditch the witch is better than ditch the bi**h isn't it? Anyway the upside of the #Metoo movement is that a lot more women are running for political office. At least in the US. I wonder how it is in other countries? I'm gonna ask. How to make lemonade out of lemons is a talent. Thank you for your reply! :).
      May 16, 2018 5:53 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well I don't know about that.  Not sure what a "REAL" man is to you.  I think politics attracts a lot of people who want to see their names out there but don't really want to work for a living.

    I would point out that President Trump is not a politician which is part of his appeal to many. 
      May 16, 2018 5:33 AM MDT